The Down & Dirty Deets

When I was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease, I read everything about Lyme I could get my hands on – medical research, so many books and memoirs. Yes, I wanted to know more about the disease that was making my life absolutely unbearable, but truly all I really wanted to know was…

How the fuck do I get better?

I’m happy to tell you my story, but if you’re like me, you probably just want to know how I healed.

DISCLAIMER: This is for informational purposes only. I’m not a doctor and please do not use any of this as medical advice. Please speak with your own personal medical authority before making any changes to your protocol. Also, I’m about to tell you brands and treatments only for your benefit. I make NO MONEY from any brands to remain unbiased.

DISCLAIMER #2: I think the reason people are reluctant to say which treatment that worked for them is due to the fact that no two Lyme diseases are the same. We all have different tick borne co-infections, reactivated viruses AND maybe even parasites, mold toxicity, MCAS, POTS, heavy metal toxicity, multiple chemical sensitivity… you get my drift. We with Lyme are illness snowflakes.

This is how exactly I healed from Lyme disease:

The treatment I chose for Lyme disease is called Supportive oligonucleotide technique (SOT). I finished my second treatment and I no longer have Lyme disease.

The other major factor was killing parasites. There was a significant drop in the Lyme bacteria in my body after I killed tons of roundworms and rope worms. Lyme lives in the parasites in our bodies and can really hinder progress made in killing the Lyme and because our immune systems are as weak as those with HIV.

Side note: parasite labs are highly unreliable, even the ones you send the damned worm to, but most of us have parasites because they are in our food and our immune systems are not strong enough to kill those buggery buggers.

SOT and murdering parasites worked for me. This doesn’t mean it will work for you. There are a zillion ways to treat Lyme – there are 15 just in this one article.

Two tips that would’ve saved me so much pain and money and time:

  1. Protocol & Order. If I did it all over again, I would’ve treated in the order that Scott Forsgren suggests. The first thing I did was kill the Lyme bacteria with the SOT and I hadn’t detoxed AT ALL. I ended up in a wheelchair. It was a nightmare.
  2. Lyme Labs. I would’ve done the Vibrant Wellness tick-borne illness lab first, instead of getting negative Quest and LabCorp and MDL western blots and Elisas. I finally was diagnosed by PrimeSpot in England and the test was $1,450 and it didn’t tell me any strains. Vibrant has gone from $400 to $600 to $900 in the past two years since I’ve been using them, but they’re still cheaper than a similarly comprehensive Igenex panel. And no, insurance didn’t cover the labs that work. 

Here are the illnesses and the treatment protocol I used for each:

Lyme disease – dormant after 2 SOT’s and pounds of roundworms killed.

Parasites – dead! I used the CellCore comprehensive protocol but there are many other brands out there that will do the trick. I just do a full moon cleanse once a month now.

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis – dormant after 2 SOT’s and pounds of roundworms killed.

Chronic active Epstein-Barr virus – dormant after 3 months of the protocol in the book “The Epstein-Barr Solution” by Kasia Kines. (I got rid of the CAEBV before I knew I had Lyme.)

Cytomegalovirus – dormant after SOT #1.

HHV-6 – dormant. It was dormant after SOT #1, but it popped back up on my labs prior to round two of SOT but it’s dormant again now.

HPV-18 – dormant after SOT #1.

Chlamydophila pneumoniae – dormant after SOT #1.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae – dormant after SOT #1.

Toxoplasmosis – Almost dormant after two rounds of Alinea, after round #1 the infection went from high to moderate – after round #2 it’s barely there, but I’m doing one more round for safe measure.

Bipolar disorder – Even if it was from Lyme, it’s still here & I’m finally in acceptance

ME/chronic fatigue syndrome – I have a crazy story for you. 

I assumed that ME/CFS would go away once the Lyme was resolved, but my symptoms were all very present when I discovered the Lyme was almost gone. I was devastated realizing that ME/CFS is it’s own beast and I had no idea how to conquer it. 

And I was far too fatigued to conquer it even if I could.

And then I got COVID for the second time, but this time it didn’t go away. I was diagnosed with Long COVID and started working with an immunologist in San Francisco who also happens to specialize in ME/CFS.

They’ve found many links between Long Covid and ME/CFS and believe that these illnesses are caused by fragments of dead RNA (viruses) that the immune system holds onto thus causing the immune cells to create an autoimmune reaction. 

It’s also theorized that Long Covid can reactivate dormant viruses. There are many reasons why someone can still feel sick post-viral infection, but the solution they propose is modulating the immune system to get the it strong enough to shed the dead virus fragments.

Fragments of dead viruses causing ME/CFS explains why I still am having symptoms after getting all the reactivated viruses dormant. Pieces of dead viruses aren’t going to show up on a lab because they’re not active.

So, yes, I still have ME/CFS, but I am actively treating it in a very experimental way and I believe this is the right path for me. My LLMD always tells me to listen to my intuition above all else and was she ever right. 

Lastly, and so importantly, I’ve had massive trauma in my life, so I will not heal completely without brain retraining. There are many programs:

Curable – I did and wasn’t ready for it

DNRS – I did and it helped but it wasn’t enought

Primal Trust – is my current program and I LOVE it. 

I was very resistant to brain retraining because it’s a lot of work and I’m still very fatigued, so I’m grateful I found the right one for me. There are many: Gupta, CFS Health, Lightning Process, CFS Health, ANS Rewire… and the list goes on. 

For me, a multi-faceted approach is what tends to get the job done, so I tend to be leery of anything that claims to be THE ONE ANSWER. Brain retraning is only one of the 11 step in the protocol I referenced above and practice.

That’s all fine and dandy, but HOW DO YOU FEEL?

I want to tell you that I feel amazing. That I have boundless energy. That I run marathons every weekend. But that’s not the truth. And I promise to only tell you the truth.

On most days, I feel a little better. My energy is coming back slowly as I work on brain retraining.

I had a rad ice skating party for my 49th birthday. I skated for three hours straight and I was fine the next day.

I learned how to skateboard last month with my 11-year-old son.

I walk my ridiculously cute pug, Snax, at least twice a day. (She’s so cute she has her own TikTok. I’m not kidding.)

I just moved into a beautiful apartment and assembled a couch, five end-tables, a vanity and a dresser all by myself. <deep bow>

I’m a single mom raising a boy going through puberty. (God, help me.) I pack his lunch, take him to school, pick him up, take him to all his things and keep him fed and clothed.

I also go back to bed after I drop him off at school sometimes. I’m not working yet.

I still require a lot of sleep and rest and I still have days where all the symptoms of ME/CFS are all up in my face.

I also cry on those days. I highly recommend it.

And I have Bipolar disorder. For the most part I’m stable, but I still experience some wild storms. I have tools and an incredible team, but hormones change, meds lose their efficacy, life events happen and sometimes it’s absolutely terrorizing to live in my brain.

I choose to focus on progress. Four years ago I was having such intense tremors and involuntary movements that I was in a wheelchair. I looked like I had Parkinson’s. I was bed-bound for months on end. I had bronchitis six times in 15 months.

Sometimes I get really sad that I’m not climbing mountains every day, but it took me a long time to get this sick and it’s going to take a hot minute to get me better.

I don’t know if I’ll ever get back to whatever I think I was… I mean, I’ve had ME/CFS symptoms off and on since I was a teen. I’ve had glorious athletic moments and I’ve also felt like killing myself. We are complex creatures. My body rocks. My doctors are awesome. There’s also a lot I’ve done on my own that has helped tremendously.

I don’t kill myself on the days I want to because there comes a day before I know it where I want to live. And not just live – live large. And I do! I have a ton of friends who really love me and we laugh and play games and hang out and it’s really, really good.

I want to give you hope. I want you to recover completely and send me pictures of you climbing Mt Everest. I want everything for you, but I have to be honest about my progress. I hope my story gives you hope. No matter what, please remember that the impossible is possible.